28 de julho de 2008

Dizem por ai.

"No matter what u are
No matter what u do
I always love

"This moment what you wanna do"

"Fuck life, no woman no life"

"stöp and think, stöp and think, stöp and think..."

"you couid my life on the road. Prior to that I dalwaye dreamed or on the road"

"Art forever belonged to masses"

"WARNING: wes till do; living in a world in wich war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impeding immolation are part of our daily lives" 

words of people who create.

nada se cria, tudo se transforma.

"A man's true life is the way in which he puts off the lie imposed by others on him. Stripped, naked, natural, he is what he is. This is a matter of being, and not of becoming. The lie cannot become the truth, the personality cannot become your soul. There is no way to make the nonessential the essential. The nonessential remains nonessential and the essential remains essential, they are not convertible. And striving towards truth is nothing but creating more confusion. The truth has not to be achieved. It cannot be achieved, it is already the case. Only the lie has to be dropped. All aims and ends and ideals and goals and ideologies, religions and systems of improvement and betterment, are lies. Beware of them. Recognize the fact that, as you are, you are a lie. Manipulated, cultivated by others. Striving after truth is a distraction and a postponement. It is the lie's way to hide. See the lie, look deep into the lie of your personality. Because to see the lie is to cease to lie. No longer to lie is to seek no more for any truth--there is no need. The moment the lie disappears, truth is there in all its beauty and radiance. In the seeing of the lie it disappears, and what is left is the truth."
Osho  The Empty Boat Chapter 10

Peace&Love > Ray L.

3 comentários:

Flávio Lobo disse...
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Flávio Lobo disse...
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Flávio Lobo disse...

Creio que sua intenção, ao montar este blog, tenho sido dar-lhe um ar zen...
Pois foi sentido este clima que li seus textos.
E gostei muito.
Suas idéias são ótimas.